When you are a broke college student, there is nothing you can really do that doesn't cost money. That is, unless of course you start to become creative. This week, a couple of co-workers decided that a group of us should see the new Harry Potter movie. We planned to see it the next night, and it was exciting to have some fun plans with people I don't get to hang out with very often. The thing is, I had really only seen two of them. Lucky for me, one of my friends is a Harry Potter lover, and kindly lent me movies 3, 4, and 5. So what did I do?

I spent 7.5 hours of my life curled up in a chair with a bunch of my friends watching Harry Potter movies all night, and I won't lie, it was kind of fun. I had refused to watch the movies before, because I had read up to the fifth book in he series, and put it down, because, frankly, I thought Harry complained too much, and it was starting to wear on my nerves. Thankfully the movie cut it down.

So the big night comes, and I am so excited and pumped since I prepared myself to see the movie! What happens? I can't go. SO now, I have no choice but to find another group of Harry Potter fanatics and make them see it with me, despite the fact that they were there for the midnight showing.
Photo Credits: http://scholarization.files.wordpress.com