I have been extremely fortunate this summer to keep two jobs that keep me busy five days during the week. I work on a farm as well as painting a commercial property to be rented soon. I usually work around 9 and then work until about 6-8 at night. This sounds a bit busy for a person who just graduated from high school, but I know I actually have responsibilities.
No I don't pay for college, but I pay for everything else such as the books and my clothes and other sorts of things
I have no idea if other people my age think about these things, because I live in a pretty well off suburb, allowing the kids to party. If they do work, they spend a lot of their free time partying. When it's time to get back to work, they are left with little to no energy. So where is the reality in this? They spend money on tinted windows, big rims, new technology. Do they know what the future holds? Where I live, more and more people are losing their jobs. Big name companies are moving production over seas. So what's left to come? Where is the reality for today's youth?
Photo Credit: dhh.louisiana.gov