So, there always comes that time in college, you know, the time where the opposite gender gets involved. An awkward dance starts, and the ritual begins, except my ritual is not the same as everyone elses' (of course).
I have been in school since the end of August. Luckily, they have upper classmen to help you move in for your first day. My mover was this nice quiet kid, I swear, most movers take a thing and move on, but he just kept comign back to help me. I tried to talk to him a bit, but he wasn't much of a chatter. When I got into my room, I just didn't think much about it. It turns out this kid is on my floor, and I see him at least a few times a week, and he always waves and smiles. Hell he's even jumped over a row of chairs to sit next to me. Unfortunately that has been his only bold move.
Over eight weeks I have been here, and I just got his number, after I gave mine of first. And so, the dance begins, what beat will it end at? Where will the crescendo grow so soft,that we can't feel the awkwardness anymore?