Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bathroom Confessions

I went out into the city the other day, and had lunch in a diner with my friend. Before braving the cold, and remembering that there are no free bathrooms in Philly, I stopped to use the toilet. Apparently, no matte how nice the place, the bathroom will ALWAYS have something interesting about it.

If the bathroom wasn't so dirty, I would have stayed longer to read these bathroom confessions. It was definitely something that I wasn't expecting to see, most of the bathroom writing I read is extremely inappropriate, but some of these seemed kind of personal. I wonder if people ever walk out of something as mundane from a bathroom, feeling better after making some sort of confession.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Okay, so I was excited about pretty much nothing. I didn't get the job that I had interviewed for, and I am pretty frustrated, not sure about what to do. I am a college kid fighting adults with degrees for a job. How will I fair? Things are probably sure to get better, but right now, I am kind of discouraged.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I have an interview!!!

Photo credit:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So my first winter break is not as breakish as I had hoped. I have spent a good amount of time applying for a summer job. This year my fingers are crossed and my heart is set on working at a camp for kids with emotional and behavior disorders. Very extensive applications, which is what they don't tell you. Hopefully I get everything done though, anyways, here is a little clip!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Yes, I know it seems like a large thing, but I saw this movie, and I feel like it is something to recognize and remember. So often we take the time to make an opinion and keep it, but sometimes we just need to stick it out, and see. It was a wake up call for me. Can be watched at Loombo. Just watch it, it's awesome.

Picture Credit: Tribute